Canadian co-operators in visit to Romagna

On tuesday, june 4, a group of canadian co-operators has been visiting Legacoop Romagna. A delegation of 20 representatives of credit union Vancity, based in Vancouver, British Columbia, was received by two working cooperatives in the context of an internal training programme on co-operative identity. Elvy Del Bianco, Co-operative Partnerships Program Manager of Vancity, led the group, that was welcomed by Stefano Patrizi of Legacoop Romagna and Giovanni D’Adda, of Bologna’s Alma Mater. The tour started in the morning at Cooperativa Agricola Braccianti Massari, in Conselice.

President Gabriele Tonnini and technical director, Giampietro Sabbatani illustrated the farming and production methods, while the mayor of Conselice, Paola Pula, brought the greeting of the town. The group then stopped in Bagnacavallo at Deco Industrie, a workers buyout co-operative created in 1951 and still considered one of the best of its kind. Board member Christian Contini introduced the visit at the plant, that was then conducted by the factory director, Luca Zannoni. Participants showed great appreciation for the visit, which added another tile to the collaboration between the co-operative movements of Canada and Emilia-Romagna.

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Emilio Gelosi

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